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The New CX Paradigm – Enabled by SAP

84% of the companies
that invest in improving their customer experience witness revenue increases. 73% of customers agree that a good experience drives brand loyalty. 
Customer experience must be a top priority for any company. To facilitate better CX, companies require a better digital backbone for their customer-interfacing processes. That’s where SAP can bring intelligence to the process of improving the customer experience.

The New CX Paradigm – How To Create It With SAP?

The modern CX paradigm with SAP involves leveraging the latest technology to improve the overall customer experience as well as building on prevailing features. Today, SAP can help companies redesign their customer experience to create a moat against the competition. 

Let’s have a look at some common options that SAP provides to help modern organizations improve their CX.

  • Omnichannel Integration

SAP covers the gamut of channels, providing rich solutions across the customer lifecycle. SAP’s Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, and Customer Data Cloud are all-powerful and functional options. Based on the insights collected from these stage-specific solutions, companies can gain a better understanding of their target audience. SAP further allows quick omnichannel integration, facilitating the integration of CRM with ERP and allowing access across web, mobile, desktops, and other modes. As collective customer-oriented campaigns run across platforms, SAP CX can help improve customer outcomes.

  • Hyper-personalization

The key to creating an engaging customer-oriented experience is personalization. In the new CX paradigm, hyper-personalization is front and center. With SAP Commerce Cloud, companies can assess the online behavior of their customers and even track their purchase history. This activity analysis can drive hyper-personalized recommendations for more relevant targeting. Customers also resonate with the more tailored experience and increase their interaction with the platform.

  • Multi-currency Approach

SAP Commerce Cloud ensures the complete satisfaction of customers who wish to buy international products or avail of services in their own currency by creating a multi-currency environment. It allows for quick currency conversions and makes the buying experience smooth and seamless. After all, every company wants to attain a global status, and with SAP’s multi-currency approach, getting international customers also becomes easier.

  • AI Integration

Artificial Intelligence is already boosting productivity and improving performance in all sectors and CX is no different. For instance, with the AI-enabled services in SAP Service Cloud, companies can even predict the time of resolving customer issues for greater transparency. AI can deliver insights into customer sentiment to drive strategies to build better customer relationships. AI also makes customer-facing activities scalable and agile with actionable insights as well as insight-led action. This can significantly improve customer service and make communication better.

  • Self-service

When a company puts trust in their customer, their experience automatically improves. SAP Service Cloud helps create an elevated customer experience based on impactful self-service. This could be across platforms, be it social media, e-mail, or on phone. It puts the reins in the customer’s hands, allowing them to interact with companies anytime, anywhere. SAP offers self-service ticketing facilities alongside fast inquiry resolution and direct account access. By integrating SAP Conversational AI and SAP Knowledge Central solution, companies can further “jazz up” the customer self-service experience.

  • Chatbots

SAP has also enabled powerful chatbots with 24×7 availability through SAP Conversational AI. The platform is accessible across the globe, as it can conduct simple conversations automatically in multiple languages. These chatbots can access your messaging channel, analyze the data, and learn with machine learning to answer simple queries and then swiftly transfer more complex tasks to agents. As it happens, they can also save up to 30% of expenses on customer support costs! But more importantly, as 96% of customers believe in the significance of good customer service in brand loyalty, improving CX with SAP can be a major game-changer for enterprises.

  • 360° Customer View

Creating a modern CX paradigm will be incomplete without including the dynamic features of the SAP Service Cloud. SAP not only focuses on the customers but also on the agents to improve the overall CX. It offers a customized, single smart desktop for managing all queries related to customer service. All the tools, customer data, analytics, account details, everything is available on the same screen, providing a 360° view to the agents. Simultaneous AI integration helps in quicker management and processing of both simple and multilevel issues.

  • Information Access

When your customers get all the information they need with the first search, irrespective of their language, they are sure to be impressed. SAP Knowledge Central includes SEO to put the most relevant information on top of search results, for all-important keywords. This can help customers easily find what they are looking for, avail self-service, and get an immediate resolution to queries. By bridging this information gap, companies can improve their content and quality, thus offering a better customer experience.

  • Feedback and Analysis

SAP Service Cloud combined with Experience Management solutions can conduct customer surveys and feedback to collect data about any organization. With accurate sentiment data, companies can act on their weak points and further work on improving the customer experience. Data analysis also offers an insight into productivity and performance reports that companies can leverage to enhance their CX strategies. The dashboard of SAP Service Cloud also offers tools to monitor and track the trends, KPIs, business reports, and service operations, both in real-time and over time.


is now possible for companies to collect data, analyze, and conduct business operations on the same platform. These tools can help revamp existing services too, all on an integrated platform by SAP CX. By leveraging these powerful features, companies can improve their audience engagement and conversion rate – thus getting them ahead in the CX game. Let us show you the full power of SAP!